[NHCOLL-L:4423] Re: Fungus infected botanical specimens, solution?

Anita F. Cholewa chole001 at umn.edu
Mon Aug 3 13:29:00 EDT 2009

Recently I encountered the same problem on the fleshy portions of 
specimens of Arisaema.  These were old specimens and I was quite 
surprised.  I brushed alcohol over the affected part and that seemed to 
take care of the situation but I had to do this several times.  
Additional drying time did nothing and I never tried refreezing.

Anita F. Cholewa, Ph.D.
Curator of the UM Herbarium
Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
1445 Gortner Ave
ST PAUL MN 55108-1095

Alina Freire-Fierro wrote:
> Dear all,
> We have received some specimens that are infected with fungi. The material is in the freezer right now (so we can kill any incoming insects), and 
> after the two weeks I was thinking in placing the specimens inside our plant drier. 
> Would you recommend this treatment?
> If you have had a similar situation, what was your solution? 
> I will appreciate any replies/suggestions.
> Many thanks and best wishes,
> Alina.

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