[NHCOLL-L:4444] Old Putty!

Moore, Simon simon.moore at hants.gov.uk
Tue Aug 11 09:29:41 EDT 2009

No this isn't a new type of bourbon (sorry!) but a frequently-faced
problem that comes my way!  Some taxidermy cases, requiring attention,
have often been sealed with putty.  

I have tried various mechanical means to get the glass out intact and
without damaging the wooden frame rebate - both difficult.  

Does anyone know of some product that will soften glazier's putty so
that one doesn't have to resort to delicately chipping it out all the
way round the frame only to have the glass crack at the last moment?  I
have tried linseed oil to little or no effect other than making a sticky
and trickly mess!

With all good wishes, 
Simon Moore, MIScT, FLS, ACR,
Senior Conservator of Natural Sciences. 
Hampshire County Council,
Department of Culture, Communities and Rural Affairs,
Museums & Archives Service,
Chilcomb House, Chilcomb Lane,
Winchester SO23 8RD. UK.
Internal  8 327 6737
01962 826737

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