[NHCOLL-L:4142] NPS Biological Collections Forum - 2008 - Notes available

Rabeler, Richard rabeler at umich.edu
Fri Jan 9 18:45:25 EST 2009


In April of 2008, the US National Park Service (NPS) held a Biological Collections Forum at which representatives of the NPS, five professional societies, and several major natural history collections met to discuss the importance of collections made on NPS lands and ways to improve the cooperation between NPS personnel, scientists, and collections personnel.

I am pleased to announce that the minutes of the meeting are now available on the SPNHC website (http://www.spnhc.org).  If you look toward the bottom of the "Latest News" box, you will find a link that will open a PDF.  I have added (and had Ann Molineaux activate) an outline using the Adobe "bookmarks" feature which will allow you to see the major sections/topics and presentations.


Richard K. Rabeler,
University of Michigan Herbarium
President, SPNHC  

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