[NHCOLL-L:4151] Summer Research in Dublin 2009

Julia Sigwart ureka at ucd.ie
Tue Jan 13 10:31:32 EST 2009

Dear all,

This summer programme offers research projects and activities for students in organismal biology using biological collections, combining resources from University College Dublin, the National Museum of Ireland, and the National Botanic Gardens. Students must apply to work with a specific research group. 

Please circulate this notice to undergraduate students and other colleagues who may be in contact with potential summer students. Note the closing date for applications is March 29 2008.

Collections-Based Biology in Dublin 
Undergraduate Research Experience & Knowledge Award (CoBiD-UREKA)

Full funding for the 10-week programme will be provided for 10 successful candidates, including assistance with air transportation to and from Dublin, accommodation in Dublin, and a small weekly living allowance, as well as research project expenses. The programme is open to students of all nationalities. 

Term dates: June 15 to August 21 2008

Students must submit an application form (available online) and arrange for a letter of support to be sent to <UREKA at ucd.ie> For application instructions, research group descriptions, and more information:

Applications must be received by 29 March 2009

Kind regards,

The UREKA Team


Collections-based Biology in Dublin 
Undergraduate Research Experience & Knowledge Award

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