[NHCOLL-L:4168] Fwd: [icom-cc-ethno] Course 'Picking over the Bones', March 25-26 2009, Glasg...

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Mon Jan 19 13:39:10 EST 2009

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
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 From: carole.dignard at pch.gc.ca
Reply-to:  icom-cc-ethno at yahoogroups.com
To: icom-cc-ethno at yahoogroups.com
Sent:  1/19/2009 1:04:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: [icom-cc-ethno] Course  'Picking over the Bones', March 25-26 
2009, Glasgow  UK

Hello: please note the upcoming short course  offered by ICON Ethnography 
Group, titled Picking over the Bones and  Tinkling the Ivories -Identification of 
Osseous and Keratinous  Materials; it will be held at Glasgow Museums, UK on  
Wednesday 25th March & Thursday 26th March  2009. 
Further information is provided below;  or contact: 

Cordelia Rogerson, 
Modern Materials Specialist Conservator,  

The  British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB, UK, Tel 020 7412 7847; 
email: _Cordelia.Rogerson at Corde_ (mailto:Cordelia.Rogerson at bl.uk) ;   
Picking over  the Bones and Tinkling the Ivories - 
Identification  of Osseous and Keratinous Materials 
A two day course  organised by the ICON  Ethnography Group with Glasgow 
Date: Wednesday 25th March & Thursday  26th March 2009 
The course will be  led by Dr Sonia O'Connor, Research Fellow in 
Archaeological Sciences at the  The course of  of <ST1, with contributions  from Colin 
Williamson, plastics consultant and a founding member of the  Plastics Historical 
Society, and Pat Allen, Curator of World Art at Glasgow  Museums. The 
workshop will be held at Glasgow Museums Resource Centre on the  south side of , with 
Encompassing  theoretical and practical sessions, alongside opportunities for 
discussion,  the materials covered will include ivories, bone, antler, horn, 
baleen,  tortoiseshell. Some materials used in imitation of these, which are 
prone to  misidentification, will be included. 
The structure,  properties and decay of both osseous and keratinous materials 
in a variety of  environments will be introduced. Characteristic features of 
each material will  be described and a methodology given for their 
identification using  non-destructive techniques. A practical session will provide the 
opportunity  to identify selected groups of objects, with photomicrographs and a 
reference  collection being available to aid this study. Sonia will also give 
a  presentation on the conservation and storage of archaeological objects 
made of  osseous and keratinous materials. 
Participants have  the opportunity to bring objects (or photographs of 
objects) to the workshop  for discussion. 
The cost of the 2  day workshop is £210, includes materials, handouts, 
coffee, tea and lunches.  Handouts relating to the  presentations will be provided 
along with a bibliography for further  reading. 
Payment must be  made prior to the course. 14 places are available. A limited 
number of student  places are available at the reduced cost of £160. Please 
send proof of status  with your registration form. Registration forms can be 
downloaded from the  ICON website _http://www.icon.http://_ 
(http://www.icon.org.uk/)  Completed  registration forms should be sent to Arianna Bernucci at 
_abernucci at thebritisabernucci@tab_ (mailto:abernucci at thebritishmuseum.ac.uk)   or 
mailed to: 
Attn: Arianna  Bernucci 
Ancient Ancie and  and  
The The <ST    
Great Great <ST1><ST1>Ru 
London WC1B 3DG 
Places can only be  allocated with completed registration forms and full 
payment of the  course. 

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