[NHCOLL-L:4379] Collections Management on-campus learning opportunity at the University of Victoria

Cultural Resource Management crmp at uvcs.uvic.ca
Mon Jul 6 18:43:04 EDT 2009

Apologies for cross-postings.

Please share with colleagues the following on-campus learning opportunity offered by the Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria, British Columbia:

Collections Management
HA 488B (1.5 units); on-campus offering

Collections and the knowledge they convey remain the cornerstone of most museums. This course addresses both the roles of collections in the changing museum and heritage sector, and the principles and practices that guide their acquisition, management, and use.

Through this course you'll enhance your capacity to:

 *   understand historic and contemporary factors which shape museum collections
 *   define how collections and their management relate to the institutional mission and community interests
 *   respect legal and ethical frameworks for collections management
 *   understand the policy framework for collections development and management
 *   understand the roles and responsibilities of the collections manager/registrar
 *   undertake a range of registration and documentation functions
 *   manage collections information
 *   recognize the special needs of a range of collection types and uses
 *   address the range of current issues affecting collections and their management
 *   plan for collections development in response to both institutional and community interests and needs

Dates: September 21-26, 2009

Please register by: August 24 (late registrations accepted if space permits)

To register in this course please visit https://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/forms/crm/online_reg.aspx.
Fee: CAD$652, including a CAD$70 materials fee (Canadian funds, credit and non-credit participation options) A CAD$170 registration deposit is required with each registration form.

Richard Gerrard has held the post of Registrar for the City of Toronto's Museum Services for the last two decades. Prior to this he was a field archaeologist for eight years working in Ontario and the Canadian arctic. His teaching includes courses in collection management and digital information systems at the University of Toronto, and he has lectured on digital information preservation, artefact identification and authentication, and museum law at several universities and professional meetings. He is currently completing the research for a book about the provenance of the collection formerly at Wolford Lodge, the home of LGen John Graves Simcoe.

Enrollment options allow you to choose to take courses either to enhance professional development or build academic credit. Individual course descriptions and registration forms are available by contacting us at crmp at uvcs.uvic.ca or by visiting our web site at:

For more information, please contact:

Anissa Paulsen, Program Coordinator
Cultural Resource Management Program
Continuing Studies, University of Victoria
PO Box 3030 STN CSC Victoria BC Canada V8W 3N6
Tel: 250 721-6119 Fax: 250 721-8774
Email: apaulsen at uvcs.uvic.ca
Visit our Web site! http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/crmp
To receive monthly email updates, contact crmp at uvcs.uvic.ca

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