[NHCOLL-L:4241] Undergraduate Summer Research in Dublin 2009 - deadline 29 March

CoBiD-UREKA ureka at ucd.ie
Mon Mar 16 09:11:38 EDT 2009

Dear all,

There are two weeks until the deadline for organismal biology summer 
undergraduate research placements in Dublin, with University College 
Dublin and the National Museum of Ireland.

Research areas include: bio-control, plant genomics, limnology, soil 
ecology, palaeontology, marine invertebrates, and ecological modelling.

To apply students must submit an application form, explaining their 
interest in a specific research topic on offer, and a letter of support 
to <ureka at ucd.ie>

Full funding will be provided for 10 students, including accommodation 
in Dublin, living allowance, airfare assistance, and research project 
expenses. We particularly encourage applications from less developed 
countries and students from [local] minority groups.

Deadline: 29 March
Term dates: June 15 to August 21 2009
Details: http://www.ucd.ie/ureka

Apologies for cross postings; please bring this to the attention of any 
eligible students!

Kind regards,

The UREKA Team

Julia Sigwart, CoBiD director
Collections-based Biology in Dublin
Undergraduate Research Experience & Knowledge Award

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