[NHCOLL-L:4316] HVAC and compactor costs

Adrain, Tiffany S tiffany-adrain at uiowa.edu
Wed May 6 11:07:16 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

I need a quick quote on roughly how  much it costs to install an HVAC system in a single storey building, say 4000 sq ft. Has anyone had an HVAC system installed recently and knows the cost?

How about initial outlay for the same space for compactor storage, not including cabinets, but including floor reinforcement or new concrete flooring. 

Vague questions, I know but I'd appreciate any help!



Tiffany Adrain
Collections Manager
Paleontology Repository
Department of Geoscience
The University of Iowa
121 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242

phone: 319 335 1822
fax: 319 335 1821
website: http://www.uiowa.edu/~geology/paleo

>From Jan 1 2009:
In Trowbridge Hall Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Wednesdays (beginning Jan 7)
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