[NHCOLL-L:4570] low-density filler product

Kimberly Bostwick ksb6 at cornell.edu
Thu Oct 22 16:09:02 EDT 2009

Hi Folks,

I am using a microCT scanner to visualize the origins and insertions  
and shapes of various wing muscles on small bird fluid specimens.   
Since CT scans only register relative density, muscles lying adjacent  
can't be visualized separately, so I am looking for a product that is  
fluid enough to be applied between small muscles, but significantly  
less dense then muscle, so I can create borders between the muscles  
enough to visualize and measure them.

In brainstorming I have realized there are probably any number of  
artsy-craftsy products that might be useful, and I thought there might  
be someone in this community who either works with dissections or hash  
done exhibits or knows someone who does who might have suggestions.   
Any spray foams or parafin-like dips that anyone has experience with?

I will take any responses off-list.

Dr. Kimberly Bostwick
Curator, Birds and Mammals Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates
& Research Associate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cornell University
(607) 254-2160

Mailing Address:
Imogene Powers Johnson Center
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, New York 14850

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