[NHCOLL-L:4504] RE: Cleaning Slides

O'Brien, Mark mfobrien at umich.edu
Fri Sep 4 09:55:37 EDT 2009

There are a number of resources on the web, but it takes a lot of digging to ferret them out, and many are outdated.  Many people simply use isopropyl alcohol and swab the slide with a Q-tip  or a pec-pad to remove the grime.  Due to the number of slides now being scanned, some commercial products have appeared that are advertised as being the right solution to the problem: http://www.slidescribe.com/pcld.shtml   - The PEC-12 archival film and print cleaner should be the product that you are looking for.    In addition, you may want to inquire at George Eastman House in Rochester.  Wilhelm Research has a pdf (somewhat outdated) on managing a slide collection: http://www.wilhelm-research.com/book_toc.html    18. Handling and Preservation of Color Slide Collections

The best way to properly clean a transparency is to remove it from the mount and clean it with the pec-12 solution, because you want to remove the dirt, not just move it around to the edge of the mounted slide.   I suppose what you do may depend on how grimy the slides are.

The other problem I see is when transparencies are in glass mounts.  The formation of mold is often on the coating of the anti-Newton glass, and the entire slide has to be disassembled and cleaned, and in those cases I remount the slide in a plastic mount and not between glass.

Kodak used to have a fact sheet on mold and film, and it is available here: http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/007/007tlK-17401484.pdf

Of course, if these are only to be scanned, some of the dirt can be removed in post-processing, but it's probably less time to go ahead and clean the slide before scanning, anyway.

Good luck


Mark F. O'Brien, Collection Manager
UMMZ Insect Division, 1109 Geddes Avenue
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079
734-647-2199    fax: 734-763-4080

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