[NHCOLL-L:4537] P.H.Timberlade and Perdita (hmen-andrenidae)

Stuart Fullerton stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Wed Sep 23 06:42:21 EDT 2009

good morning gentle folks:

many many years ago, about 1977-8     dr timberlake,  at the collection 
of the university of california, riverside   had occasion to send me 
many many samples of identified Perdita (hymenoptera-andrenidae). like 
many many unfinished things in my life they sat and sat. at long last i 
am working them into the collection of the UCFC here in the bug closet, 
and also into the UCFC individual specimen data base.

dr. timberlake had handwriting that is worse than mine and while i have 
been able to decipher many of the labels  there are unfortunately many 
that i can not. after a lot of work, and the help of a volunteer, i have 
managed to get at least three photos (head, lateral, and dorsal) of each 
specimen and all the original labels (four of them per specimen)  copied 
with the auto montage.  this way at least the labels are protected and 
they are beginning to age a bit.  also it may make it easier for someone 
to be able to help me with the making possible data capture and species 
identification for the data base.

if there is anyone out there, who is still able to read the timberlake 
handwriting, or would like to take a crack at it,  i desperately need 
your help.   the photo files for each  by the nature of the auto montage 
are rather lengthy and i am not attaching any at this time. but will be 
glad to send a sample of them on to you direct if you are interested in 

rather than tying up the list servers, please contact me direct.

thank you very very much --- in advance.

cheers and welcome to autumn!


Stuart M Fullerton ROF, Research Associate in charge of Arthropod
Collections (UCFC), Dept. of Biology, University of Central Florida, PO
Box 162368, Orlando, Florida, 32816-2368, USA. stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
(407) 823-6540 (no voice mail) <http://biology.cos.ucf.edu/bugs/>

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