[NHCOLL-L:5119] egg cards glued to notecards

nmccartn nmccartn at uark.edu
Wed Dec 8 10:20:36 EST 2010


I am reviewing our egg collection, and am putting the egg cards into  
plastic sleeves.  Unfortunately, those accessioned in 1957 were glued  
to 5x7" notecards and this glue is holding very well( another  
accession in 1954 has thankfully separated from the cards!).  Of  
course, I don't know what kind of glue, and can't think of doing  
anything other than cutting off the egg cards, leaving the notecard  
material on the back, and putting into the 4x6" sleeves. The egg  
cards, from the early 1900s, are quite brittle and cannot be gently  
pried off the notecard. But surely someone out there has a better  



Nancy Glover McCartney, PhD
Curator of Zoology
UA Collections Facility
2435 Hatch
Fayetteville, AR 72701


Phone: 479-575-4370
FAX: 479-575-7464

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