[NHCOLL-L:5136] Responding to the "You Cut citizen science review"

Jean-Marc Gagnon JMGAGNON at mus-nature.ca
Thu Dec 16 11:08:36 EST 2010

Dear US colleagues, 

(if, like me, you are not a US member, this should still be something
you pay attention to; this could happen anywhere).


I'm sure you have seen or heard of this "You Cut citizen science
review", but just in case...


... it's disturbing that "museum" is one of the keywords they suggest
using to search for NSF "wasteful" spending.



Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) -- a member of the House Science and Tech
Committee -- has also put out a call to have people vote on NSF grants
that should not be funded.  


AIBS and NSCA have posted a couple of letters to the editor in the AIBS
Legislative Action Center at


When you go to this link, you will be presented with a prepared letter
you can send to local newspapers.  The letters can be modified or a
unique letter written.  At last check, more than 400 letters were sent
to papers across the country since last Friday.  


Now is not the time to stop. A number of other scientific organizations
have passed this alert on to their members and we hope to help continue
to build some good momentum.  


I encourage you participate and share this effort with your colleagues.
Feel free to use/modify the alert language at




Jean-Marc Gagnon, Ph.D.

President of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History
Collections (www.spnhc.org <http://www.spnhc.org/> ) 


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