[NHCOLL-L:4708] Cleaning sandstone

Dr Heidi Fourie hfourie at nfi.museum
Wed Feb 10 05:17:53 EST 2010

Dear listmembers,

The inside foyer or reception area of our museum building has raw sandstone walls.  I know that it is safe to either sandblast or glasblast the walls to get it clean again.  My question really is, is there a chemical that will remove built up layers of polish, grease, cigarette smoke stains and just general grime.  It needs to be cheap and something the cleaning ladies can do.  It was suggested that ammonia will work.

Any suggestions? until we win the lotto.
Dr Heidi Fourie
Curator: Vertebrate Palaeontology
Ditsong: National Museum of Natural History
Tel: 27 12 3227632
Fax: 27 12 3227939
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