[NHCOLL-L:4886] Seeking papers on isopropyl alcohol

Melissa Barton m.alanebarton at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 15:23:00 EDT 2010

I'm looking for papers or published resources on the use of isopropyl
alcohol or 2-propanol (sometimes called "isopropanol") in museum
collections, specifically

-Effects on specimens when used as a storage/preservation medium for wet
-Risks to human health of isopropyl alcohol wet collections
-Comparison of health and fire risks--isopropyl alcohol and ethanol

I haven't been able to come across much on isopropyl alcohol
specifically--most papers seem to deal with ethanol or formalin. Personal
opinions are interesting, but I am really looking for published resources
about isopropyl alcohol in museum collections.

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