[NHCOLL-L:5009] Fwd: IMLS to Sponsor Six Connecting to Collections Webinars

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Mon Oct 18 15:58:07 EDT 2010

 From: opprc at IMLS.GOV
To: opprc at IMLS.GOV
Sent: 10/18/2010 9:52:56 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: IMLS to Sponsor Six Connecting to Collections  Webinars

The following is a text-only press release from the federal  Institute of 
Museum and Library Services (IMLS). An HTML version of this  release can be 
viewed on the agency's Web site:  http://www.imls.gov/news/2010/101510.shtm 

October 15, 2010

Press Contacts
Mamie  Bittner, mbittner at imls.gov

IMLS to Sponsor Six Connecting to  Collections Webinars

Advanced Registration is  Required

Washington, DC-From October 28 through December 9, the  Institute of Museum 
and Library Services (IMLS), in partnership with Heritage  Preservation 
(http://www.heritagepreservation.org/) and the American  Association for State 
and Local History (http://www.aaslh.org/), will be  sponsoring a series of 
six webinars based on the national initiative  Connecting to Collections: A 
Call to Action. The series has a dual focus: four  of the webinars will help 
participants learn how to conduct outreach to the  media, the public, and 
funders on behalf of collections; and two webinars will  help participants 
derive maximum benefit from the Connecting to Collections  Bookshelf. 

Using the content of the Connecting to Collections  Bookshelf, forums, and 
workshops, these highly interactive webinars will  connect participants with 
experts and colleagues to discuss issues of common  concern. These free 
webinars are designed for staff of museums, libraries, and  archives who have 
been part of this network and want to reconnect, and for  those who have not 
previously been involved but are eager to participate.  

Participants may sign up for the entire series or select only the  sessions 
of most interest, and are encouraged to organize groups in their  
institutions or communities to participate in the webinar, then work together  to put 
what they have learned in action. The series is being offered in  
association with Learning Times (http://www.learningtimes.com/), and will be  
archived and available online for those who cannot participate at the  scheduled 

The schedule for the webinars is as follows (you must  register in advance 
at http://learningtimesevents.org/c2c): 

Thursday,  October 28, 2010
The series is launched with a Double Feature!

11:30  a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST
Telling the Story of Your Collections to the  Press

”Presenter: Anne Edgar, Founder and Principal, Anne Edgar  Associates, New 
”Commentator: Judith H. Dobrzynski, Freelance Arts  Writer, New York
Do you feel that your collection is rich in stories, but  no one is 
interested? Publicist Anne Edgar, who has generated media coverage  for museums 
large and small, will discuss how to attract the attention of  journalists, 
especially for stories that don't appear compelling at first  glance. She will 
be joined by Judith H. Dobrzynski, freelance arts contributor  to the Wall 
Street Journal, the New York Times and other publications. Even if  you are 
not responsible for public relations at your institution, their advice  will 
help you present your collections' stories in a way that will draw  

1:00 - 2:00 BREAK

2:00 - 3:30 PM
Using Social  Media to tell Your Collections' Stories

”Presenter: Nancie Ravenel,  Objects Conservator, Shelburne Museum, Vermont
”Commentator: Colleen  Dilenschneider, Museum and Non-Profit Blogger, 
While the morning  session will focus on attracting the attention of 
journalists who will tell  your story, this afternoon's session on social media 
will help you tell the  story yourself, directly to readers, through the 
ever-expanding worlds of  Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, and beyond. N
ancie Ravenel, a  conservator with an interest in social media, has taken the 
lead in using  social media to share information about the Shelburne Museum. 
Colleen  Dilenschneider writes the popular blog Know Your Own Bone, and 
helps museums  and non-profits evolve through community engagement using social  

Thursday, November 4, 2010
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.,  EST
Getting the Most from your Bookshelf: Care of Art and Objects  

”Presenter: Kristen Laise, Vice President for Collections Care  Programs, 
Heritage Preservation
”Commentators: Catharine Hawks, Objects  Conservator, Virginia
”Deborah Long, Objects Conservator, Gerald Ford  Conservation Center, 
”Margaret Holben Ellis, Eugene Thaw Professor  of Paper Conservation, 
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University and  Director, Thaw Conservation 
Center, Morgan Library & Museum, New  York
More than 3,000 libraries, museums, and archives now have the  Connecting 
to Collections Bookshelf, a set of collections care resources  designed to 
assist small institutions in caring for their collections. While  rich with 
information, the Bookshelf can be challenging to navigate. Kristen  Laise, who 
organized selection of Bookshelf texts and prepared the User's  Guide, will 
lead participants through means to find the information they need  in the 
Bookshelf and in its companion Guide to Online Resources. Catharine  Hawks, a 
conservator of natural science collections who consults regularly  with 
small museums, Margaret Ellis, author of The Care of Prints and Drawings,  and 
Deborah Long of the Gerald Ford Conservation Center at the Nebraska  
Historical Society will answer questions about steps you can take at your own  
NOTE: While this session will be of primary interest to  institutions that 
have the Bookshelf, others may well find it of interest. The  Bookshelf 
Users Guide, available as a PDF, is a useful guide to resources for  collections 
care for all, as is the Guide to Online Resources. It is  recommended that 
all participants have both resources handy during the  webinar. 

Monday, November 22, 2010
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.,  EST
Funding for Collections Care

”Presenters: Debra Hess Norris,  Chairperson, Art Conservation Department, 
University of Delaware
”Lee  Price, Director of Development, Conservation Center for Art and 
Historic  Artifacts, Philadelphia
One of the biggest challenges in moving ahead with  collections care 
projects can be finding adequate funding. Donors, board  members, and even your 
own development staff often see collections care as  less than compelling. The 
speakers in this webinar have achieved success in  raising funds for 
collections care, both on behalf of their own organizations  and for others. 
Debbie Hess Norris will demonstrate how enthusiasm in making  the case, coupled 
with a rich understanding of the stories behind your  collections, can yield 
success in fund-raising. Lee Price will discuss  strategies for successful 
grant applications.

Thursday, December 2,  2010
2:00 - 3:30 p.m., EST
Public Outreach and Collections Care  

”Presenters: Susan Blakney, Chief Conservator, West Lake Conservation,  
Skaneatles, New York
”Beth Tice, Associate Director, Central Libraries,  Baylor University, 
Waco, Texas
”Amber Kerr-Allison, Paintings Conservator  and Limited-Term Researcher, 
University of Delaware, Art Conservation  Department
Public awareness is the key starting point for building support  --from 
individuals, from local government, from the private sector. When  people have 
first-hand experience with the issues facing your collections,  they can 
become effective advocates in the community. Susan Blakney has helped  many 
small museums with which she has consulted involve their communities in  their 
collections. Beth Tice has reached beyond the university community to  show 
the residents of Waco ways in which the library's collections and  resources 
can help them preserve their own treasures. Amber Kerr-Allison has  
conducted public outreach activities at the Smithsonian's Lunder Conservation  

Thursday, December 9, 2010
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.,  EST
Getting the Most from Your Bookshelf: Care of Paper, Photographs, and  
Audiovisual Collections

”Presenter: Kristen Laise, Vice President for  Collections Care Programs, 
Heritage Preservation
”Commentators: Julie Page,  Co-Coordinator, California Preservation Program 
”MJ Davis, Conservator in  Private Practice, Vermont
”Jean-Louis Bigourdan, Image Permanence  Institute, Rochester, New York
More than 3,000 libraries, museums, and  archives now have the Connecting 
to Collections Bookshelf, a set of  collections care resources designed to 
assist small institutions in caring for  their collections. While rich with 
information, the Bookshelf can be  challenging to navigate. Kristen Laise, who 
organized selection of the  Bookshelf texts and prepared the User's Guide, 
will lead participants through  means to find the information they need in 
the Bookshelf and its companion  Guide to Online Resources. Julie Page, a 
librarian, consultant, and expert on  emergency preparedness, Jean-Louis 
Bigourdan, a contributor to the IPI Media  Storage Quick Reference, and MJ Davis, 
a paper conservator who consults  regularly with small museums, libraries, 
and archives, will answer questions  about steps you can take at your own 
NOTE: While this session  will be of primary interest to institutions that 
have the Bookshelf, others  may well find it of interest. The Bookshelf 
Users Guide, available as a PDF,  is a useful guide to resources for collections 
care for all, as is the Guide  to Online Resources. It is recommended that 
all participants in this webinar  have both resources handy during the 

About the  Institute of Museum and Library Services 
The Institute of Museum and  Library Services is the primary source of 
federal support for the nation's  123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The 
Institute's mission is to create  strong libraries and museums that connect 
people to information and ideas. The  Institute works at the national level and 
in coordination with state and local  organizations to sustain heritage, 
culture, and knowledge; enhance learning  and innovation; and support 
professional development. To learn more about the  Institute, please visit 

About the Heritage  Preservation
Heritage Preservation is the national organization dedicated  to preserving 
our nation's heritage. Its members include libraries, museums,  archives, 
historic preservation organizations, historical societies,  conservation 
organizations and other professional groups concerned with saving  the past for 
the future. For more information, please visit  

About the American Association for State  and Local History (AASLH)
The American Association for State and Local  History is a non-profit 
membership organization comprised of individuals,  agencies, and organizations 
acting in the public trust, engaged in the  practice of history and 
representing a variety of disciplines and professions.  It provides leadership and 
support for its members who preserve and interpret  state and local history in 
order to make the past more meaningful to all  Americans. www.aaslh.org.  

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