[NHCOLL-L:4986] Museums overview course online Oct 4

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Mon Sep 27 13:28:33 EDT 2010

*MS101: Introduction to Museums*
***Instructor:* John Simmons
*Dates:* Oct. 4 through Nov. 12, 2010
*Location: *online at www.museumclasses.org**
Description: *The United States is blessed with more than 10,000 
museums. We can only guess at the world's total. While most people think 
of a well-staffed, professionally run institution, the vast majority of 
museums are started and run by people with little or no basic training 
in museum studies or preservation. Introduction to Museums is crafted to 
change that. The course introduces basic concepts, terminology and the 
role of various staff members, including curators, registrars and 
directors. Topics covered include: What is a Museum?, The History and 
Future of Museums, Models of Museums, and Roles in the Museum. 
Introduction to Museums is aimed at board members, interns and 
volunteers, as well as anyone interested in becoming a museum 
professional or learning more about the profession.

***The Instructor:**  John E. Simmons* runs Museologica, an independent 
consulting company, and serves as Adjunct Curator of Collections at the 
Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery at Pennsylvania State 
University. He has a B.S. in Systematics and Ecology and a Master's 
degree in Historical Administration and Museum Studies. Simmons served 
as Director of the University of Kansas Museum Studies Program until 
2007. He received the Superior Voluntary Service Award from the American 
Association of Museums and the Chancellor's Award for Outstanding 
Mentoring of Graduate Students from the University of Kansas. Simmons' 
publications include three books: _Things Great and Small: Collections 
Management Policies _(2006), _Herpetological Collecting and Collections 
Management_ (2002),  and _Cuidado, Manejo y Conservación de las 
Colecciones Biológicas_ (2005, with Yaneth Muñoz-Saba). He consults, 
teaches, and does field work in the US, Latin America and Asia.

For more information on this course, and to sign up for it: 
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