[NHCOLL-L:5763] GBIF call for public review

James Macklin james.macklin at agr.gc.ca
Thu Dec 15 14:15:39 EST 2011

Hi All,

I wanted to make everyone aware of this call for public review of
another best practices document from GBIF.

Best,  JAmes

Research Scientist
Botany and Biodiversity Informatics
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I am happy to announce the PUBLIC REVIEW of the draft version of the
'GBIF-ICLEI-CBD Best Practice Guide for Biodiversity Data Publishing
by Local Governments'. You can find the document at
http://community.gbif.org/pg/file/read/18900/ .

We seek now inputs from the community on the text, suggestions,
identification of potential gaps, etc. The PUBLIC REVIEW is open till
January 6, 2012.

We would appreciate if you could forward this information to the
relevant communities in your country and organizations. Please send
your comments through the community site at
http://community.gbif.org/pg/file/read/18900/ (you need to be
logged-in to add comments) or through vchavan at gbif.org.



Vishwas Chavan, Ph. D.

Senior Program Officer for DIGIT

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100, Copenhagen, DENMARK

Tel. +45 35 32 14 75, Mobile: +45 28 75 14 75

Email: vchavn at gbif.org

WEB: http://www.gbif.org, http://data.gbif.org

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