[NHCOLL-L:5248] Bar-codes in Digital Images

Del Re, Christine delre at mpm.edu
Tue Feb 8 15:14:06 EST 2011

>From SPNHC conference papers that I have heard,  I have understood that
a number of you are putting your bar-codes into your digital images when
you are photographing. I thought this was being done to link the image,
artifact, and bar-code together so that  - if necessary - the bar-code
for the object can actually be read by scanning it in the photograph.


We have been attempting this here with an imaging project - but so far
our bar-code readers (in our museum shops) are not reading the


Have I misunderstood this - or are some of you able to read your
bar-codes that are in your images?? If so, I will work on our system
until we can get it to work.  I just want to confirm that I have not
misunderstood information from presentations that I have heard.


With my sincere thanks, Chris Del Re



Christine del  Re | Senior Conservator &  Conservation Section Head 
Milwaukee Public Museum
800 W Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 278-2780
delre at mpm.edu <mailto:gruber at mpm.edu> 
www.mpm.edu <http://www.mpm.edu/> 




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