[NHCOLL-L:5257] Plastics course starts online Monday

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Fri Feb 11 14:43:02 EST 2011

*MS001: The Problem with Plastics
Instructor: Helen Alten
Price: $95
Dates: Feb. 14 to18, 2011
Location: online at www.museumclasses.org

As we march boldly toward the 22nd century, artifact collecting includes 
that most fragile of materials - plastic. Not only is it in our 
collections, but it's used to house our collections, too. What problems 
have you seen? What problems have others seen? What materials are best? 
What can we, as caretakers, do to minimize long-term damage? Join in 
this mini-course to discuss care and deterioration of plastics. Bring 
any questions you have about plastics in your museum.

Participants in The Problem with Plastics will read literature and 
participate in two one-hour chats to discuss plastics deterioration and 
preservation. Each student should read course materials and prepare 
questions or comments to share with the other students in the chat. This 
is a mini-course and takes no more than 10 hours of a student's time.

To reserve a spot in the course, please pay at 
http://www.collectioncare.org/tas/tas.html If you have trouble please 
contact Helen Alten at helen at collectioncare.org

*The Instructor:*
*Helen Alten*, is the Director of Northern States Conservation Center 
and its chief Objects Conservator. She has a broad understanding of 
three-dimensional materials and their deterioration, writes and edits 
the Collections Caretaker, maintains the popular www.collectioncare.org 
web site, and lectures throughout the United States on collection care 
topics. Helen Alten has been a Field Education Director, Conservator, 
and staff trainer. She began working with people from small, rural, and 
tribal museums while as the state conservator for Montana and Alaska. 
Helen currently conducts conservation treatments and operates a 
conservation center in Charleston, WV and St. Paul, MN.

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