[NHCOLL-L:5549] Fwd: Announcing Two Webinars in Partnership with the National Park Service

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Wed Jul 13 19:17:21 EDT 2011

Catharine  Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church VA 22043-3026  USA
t/f 703.876-9272
mobile 703.200.4370  

 From: info at heritagepreservation.org
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 7/13/2011  12:31:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Announcing Two Webinars in  Partnership with the National Park Service

Join  us to learn more about how to Identify and Address Insect  Pest 
Damage one week from today!
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40f73) . 
Identifying  Museum Insect Pest Damage
Cold  Storage for Photographs

Two  Webinars will Feature National Park Service Resources  and  Experts

Heritage Preservation is  pleased to announce a special partnership with 
the  National Park Service to bring the advice of their  best experts to 
collecting institutions nationwide.  Don't miss this free opportunity to get 
advice  on behalf of your collections!

Please join us  for the next two installments of the Connecting to  
Collections Online Community series of Q&A Live  Events: 

Identifying Museum Insect  Pest Damage and Addressing it with Integrated 
Pest  Management 
Wednesday, July 20  at 3:00 pm EDT
Led by Barbara Cumberland,  Conservator, Museum Conservation Services at 
the  Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service, and Carol  DiSalvo, 
Integrated Pest Management Coordinator at the  National Park Service.  Click _here_ 
1e545c4b972&id=4d42b82793&e=2209f40f73)  to  view the featured resources we 
will be discussing on  this webinar.  

Cold  Storage for Photographic Materials
Tuesday,  August 2 at 2:00 pm EDT
Theresa Anne  Voellinger, Paper/Photograph Conservator, Harpers  Ferry 
Center, National Park Service will join us to  discuss the Connecting to 
Collections Online  Community's Featured Resource for August - the online  video 
series _Cold  Storage:  A Long-Term Preservation Strategy for  Film-Based 
Photographic Materials_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=f35d2dd994&e=2209f40f73) .  

To join us at these  events, go to 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=16f04a3636&e=2209f40f73)  and  click "Access Meeting 
Room".  We look forward to  meeting you  online!

 F_orward to a  friend_ 


Heritage  Preservation
1012 14th St. NW, Suite  1200

Washington,  DC 20005

(202)  233-0800

Heritage Preservation is a  national non-profit organization dedicated to  
preserving the cultural heritage of the United States.  By identifying 
risks, developing innovative programs,  and providing broad public access to 
expert advice,  Heritage Preservation assists museums, libraries,  archives, 
historic preservation and other  organizations, as well as individuals, in 
caring for  our endangered  heritage.
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