[NHCOLL-L:5557] shipping tissues

Gegick, Patricia, DCA patricia.gegick at state.nm.us
Mon Jul 18 11:14:20 EDT 2011

Dear listees,
I have a question about shipping tissues.  I plan to ship two vials of tissue to NY and then the researcher who is in NY will get them to China.  Do I still need to fill out exportation documents since the tissue is originating with me or it that the responsibility of the researcher?  Thanks.

Patricia J. Gegick
Bioscience Collections Manager
Department of Collections and Research
New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science
1801 Mountain Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM  87104-1375
Phone:  505.841.2867  Fax: 505.841.2808
email:  patricia.gegick at state.nm.us
"All calculations based on experience elsewhere, fail in New Mexico."  Lew Wallace, New Mexico Territorial Governor 1878-1881

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