[NHCOLL-L:5564] Cloud Technology

Shirley S albright conularia57 at embarqmail.com
Mon Jul 25 11:37:23 EDT 2011

Hi Nathan, 

I haven't had any direct experience with cloud technology, but you might be interested in the following link to the Cloud Computing Bulletin: http://www.emediausa.com/%28S%28mc4rmv45whypgraa2n0tu4v3%29%29/Customers/Bulletins/BulletinDetail.aspx?B=273 I used to be in museum IT so I still try to keep at least a little toe in these matters just for curiosity's sake. They recently had an free e-book available about the very subjects of your concern, and - wonder of wonders - it's in nontechie language so that we noncoders can understand it. 

The book/paper is called "Strategies for Cloud Storage, Data Protection and Disaster Recovery" by Don Jones. I think it gives a great overview about the process and some of the issues to be concerned about....particularly as you're storing a great deal of confidential data. But, that said, museums aren't the first to utilize the cloud so we may as well trade on the experience of others. I've attached a pdf of the e-book which I'm not sure will make it onto the listserv message, but if anyone else wants a copy, they can let me know. 


Shirley S. Albright 

185 Tumble-Idell Road 
Frenchtown NJ 08825 
conularia57 at embarqmail.com 

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