[NHCOLL-L:5495] Proscope v. MiScope?

Rachael Perkins Arenstein rachael at AMArtConservation.com
Mon Jun 13 20:39:20 EDT 2011

I was planning on purchasing a Proscope http://www.bodelin.com/proscopehr/
and then at the recent AIC annual meeting I saw a demo of the MiScope
http://www.zarbeco.com/index.shtml  and was further intrigued by that.  Does
anyone have experience with either unit that they would share?  I am looking
to use it to capture detail images e.g. insect specimens as well as for
other uses where a macro lens on my camera just isn't enough.


Thank you,

Rachael Perkins Arenstein

A.M. Art Conservation, LLC

Art Conservation, Preservation & Collection Management

rachael at AMArtConservation.com






Rachael Perkins Arenstein

A.M. Art Conservation, LLC

Art Conservation, Preservation & Collection Management

rachael at AMArtConservation.com




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