[NHCOLL-L:5522] Re: Pallasite Conservation

Powell D. Katie dkatiepowell at aol.com
Sat Jun 18 07:23:00 EDT 2011

Because of responses I am reposting -- with more info.
I am not sure it is possible for you to see the images but I am sending them, below, with an update.

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Previous post:

I have been presented with two pallasites which were previously coated with a shellac or a modern polymer, and this is causing moisture to be trapped and is speeding rust.  No notes were made as to what/when the two pallasites were coated.  This is outside our normal area as conservators but there are no conservators in the area, so we are attempting to assist the curatorial staff with their problem. 

We want to test the coating pragmatically with acetone, naphtha, mineral spirits (stoddard solvent), etc to see what might move the coating, in order to remove it.  At this time they are not considering a FTIR test.

The staff thinks they will have to polish the pallasites eventually to remove the rust; 
they are kept in a case but the environment of the entire museum is very wet and we thought we smelled mold --
they are next to a river so this is a problem.

Is there any harm in testing?  Any adverse reactions to chemicals that anyone on this listserv knows?

Should a pallasite be coated for any reason?  We are in a relatively damp environment in the Pacific Northwest.

Can anyone think of any reason why we should pass on this project?  The curatorial staff sees degradation through rust underneath the coating on the pallasites, which is causing them to want to address this.  They do not have the staff or facility or knowledge to do this themselves.

Thanks in advance -- we are objects conservators so will not be offended by anyone telling us we should not do this.

Kate Powell

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