[NHCOLL-L:5316] John Mohr slide collection

Emma Freeman efreeman at nhm.org
Mon Mar 7 13:19:36 EST 2011

Hi All,

We have a rather large collection of glass slides from John Mohr, formerly
of the University of Southern California.  As these slides have little
information associated with them, they are not of much use to us.  Some of
them are not in very good condition, but it is hard to tell what could be
useful and what should be thrown away.  We are trying to give them away to
anyone who might be able to make use of them.  These slides range from
invertebrates to vertebrates, protists to plants, with a good selection of
opalinids.  I have an Excel file listing all of the boxes of slides, by
category.  If anyone is interested, please email me and I can send you the
Excel file.


Emma Freeman
Curatorial Assistant, Marine Biodiversity Center
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
p: 213.763.3231
e: efreeman at nhm.org
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