[NHCOLL-L:5328] abstract deadline looming

Demouthe, Jean JDemouthe at calacademy.org
Fri Mar 11 17:42:06 EST 2011

 Dear Colleagues:

This year's SPNHC meeting promises to be a great one, and we hope many of you will be able to join us here in San Francisco.

There are two deadlines coming up for those of you who intend to participate with an oral presentation or a poster.  Refer to the abstract guidelines on our web site for format and other instructions:  http://research.calacademy.org/spnhc/program#tabs-profile-4

Demo Camp:  Demonstration proposals (abstracts) must be submitted by Friday, March 18, 2011.  These abstracts must be submitted to two people at the same time, Amanda Neill (aneill at brit.org), the DemoCamp organizer, and Jean DeMouthe (me), program chair.

Technical Program:  Abstracts for oral presentations and posters must be submitted by Friday, April 1, 2011.  April Fool's Day.

At least one author, the presentor, of each abstract must be a registered attendee at this meeting.

Contact me if you have any questions.  I hope we will see you in May!

Jean DeMouthe

Program Chair, SPNHC 2011-03-11

Dr. Jean F. DeMouthe
Senior Collections Manager for Geology
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, California 94118
jdemouthe at calacademy.org<mailto:jdemouthe at calacademy.org>
(415) 379-5258

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