[NHCOLL-L:5718] RE: drum cap

Roger Baird rbaird at mus-nature.ca
Tue Nov 1 12:35:58 EDT 2011

Googling Tri-sure drum wrench will list:



It looks like a hammer with 4 prongs to grip the raised element in the centre of your plug.

"Doing a McGyver" and clamping two screwdivers (like vampire teeth) between two dowels or sticks will give you similar leverage in a pinch


A sparkless tool in aluminum or brass would be appropriate and a torque limited wrench will slip or break away to prevent overtightening


Roger Baird

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rbaird at mus-nature.ca <mailto:rbaird at mus-nature.ca> 

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From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Karen Morton
Sent: October-31-11 15:51
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:5711] drum cap


Happy Halloween Listers!


I am a first-time purchaser of Isopropanol for our wet collection.  We just received two 25L drums and we can't figure out how to get them open.  The distributor had to call around but eventually suggested a bung wrench, however everything I have found on-line indicates that the bung wrench is for a different type of closure.  I have attached two photos of the drum and I am hoping someone out there knows what I need and where I can find it!


Thanks for your help.


Collections Manager | Museum of Nature & Science

p 972.201.0595 | kmorton at natureandscience.org


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