[NHCOLL-L:5686] 3rd International Mountmakers' Forum

Rachael Perkins Arenstein rachael at AMArtConservation.com
Tue Oct 11 12:29:19 EDT 2011

I am posting the information below on behalf of the organizer. 


Rachael Perkins Arenstein

A.M. Art Conservation, LLC

Art Conservation, Preservation & Collection Management

rachael at AMArtConservation.com






3rd International Mountmakers Forum will be held at the Field Museum in
Chicago on April 26-27, 2012. It will be a 2 day event with talks, posters
and tours behind the scenes at the Field. More details coming soon.  


The Forum will be free of charge, but registration will be required.
Everyone presenting and all attendees will be responsible for their own
transportation, parking, meals and hotel accommodations. 


The Field Museum is located downtown on the lake front, near public
transportation, public parking, hotels, food, and area museums. 


Call for Abstracts is now..until Dec. 10, 2011

Papers should focus on any aspect of exhibit mountmaking, process; mount
design, materials, fabrication, installation, technical research and
practical applications. 

*	Speaker - Presenters will provide a power point presentation limited
to 20 minutes talks.  
*	Poster presenters need to be in attendance to present your ideas,
one on one.   


Please send me:

.         1 page proposal 

.         Short biography

.         Contact info (including institutional affiliation or freelance) 

.         Please indicate if the proposal is for poster presentation only.



Oct - Dec 10, 2011 - accepting abstract proposals

            Jan 15, 2012           - notification of acceptance


All Presenters and Poster presentations if accepted will be responsible for
their own food, lodging and transportation. 


Please pass on this announcement to all mountmakers, conservators, art
handlers, exhibit fabricators, packers, registrars and friends.  If you have
questions please let me know. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.  


Pam Gaible

Senior Mountmaking Supervisor

Field Museum

Exhibit Dept

1400 S. Lake Shore Dr.

Chicago, IL 60605

312 665 7368

Questions can be directed to pgaible at fieldmuseum.org



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