[NHCOLL-L:5707] A group for Natural History Collections fanatics

Salcedo, Norma Juliana SalcedoN at cofc.edu
Thu Oct 27 11:31:20 EDT 2011

Dear all,

Here I am stealing Moritz's words at the last SPNHC meeting: "I am a Natural HIstory Collections fanatic"

That phrase got me and I am sure you felt similarly, or at least close to it. I enjoyed that meeting so much that I am craving for more SPNHC. So John Simmons and I got in touch after the last meeting and after debating the best way to get our community closer together we decided to start a Facebook group.

I know that many people are not Facebook fans (including my husband) but I think that it can be a way to get curators, conservators, educators, and researchers, all involve in the care of collections. This is a pressure free environment where we can share what we are doing and appreciate others ideas and put the seed on those who are not members of SPNHC yet.

If you want to participate you can look for the Natural History Collections group. You don't need to be friends with any of us, just join the group and share the love, for Natural History Collections. We can also help you to set your account so you won't receive a message for every comment posted. Tell us about your projects, experiences, if you are baking for your volunteers, etc. This is the people that makes this profession so special.



Norma J. Salcedo, Ph.D.
Phone: (843) 953-8080
College of Charleston, Department of Biology
Rita Hollings Science Center, Room 233
58 Coming Street
Charleston, SC 29401

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