[NHCOLL-L:5626] Re: Using gelatin capsules

hildeb16 at msu.edu hildeb16 at msu.edu
Sat Sep 3 19:48:27 EDT 2011

The capsules are edible and will attract pests.  I once found a mouse  
nest with several tiny fossil vertebrae in the center, undamaged.  The  
mice had chewed through the cardboard specimen box, removed the  
capsules and carried them back to their nest.  However, this was back  
in the days when specimen boxes were stored on open shelves.  We store  
everything in sealed cases and/or glass vials today but it's something  
to keep in mind.

Quoting "Gegick, Patricia, DCA" <patricia.gegick at state.nm.us>:

> Hi listees,
> Other than the obvious problems are cracking in low humidity and  
> melting in high humidity, are there other reasons for not using  
> gelatin capsules to store tiny and/or fragile dry mollusks?   Thanks.
> Patti
> Patricia J. Gegick
> Bioscience Collections Manager
> Department of Collections and Research
> New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science
> 1801 Mountain Road, NW
> Albuquerque, NM  87104-1375
> Phone:  505.841.2867  Fax: 505.841.2808
> email:  patricia.gegick at state.nm.us
> "All calculations based on experience elsewhere, fail in New  
> Mexico."  Lew Wallace, New Mexico Territorial Governor 1878-1881

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