[NHCOLL-L:5642] Fwd: [AAMG-L] CA, OK, and ME to Host IMLS Digital Inclusion Forums

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Sat Sep 10 07:57:27 EDT 2011

Catharine  Hawks
Conservator, NMNH
(h) 703.876.9176
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 From: IMLSNews at IMLS.GOV
Reply-to: AAMG-L at yahoogroups.com
To:  AAMG-L at yahoogroups.com
Sent: 9/9/2011 12:30:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: [AAMG-L] CA, OK, and ME to Host IMLS Digital Inclusion  Forums

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September 9, 2011
CA, OK, and ME to Host IMLS Digital Inclusion  Forums 
Leaders and Citizens Discuss Proposed Framework for  Digitally Inclusive 
Washington, DC— IMLS director, Susan Hildreth  will visit Los Angeles, 
California, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and  Bangor, Maine and work with state 
librarians to lead community and  leadership forums.     
Community  Forum  
Leadership  Forum   
Los Angeles,  CA  
September 12  
September 13   
Oklahoma City,  OK  
October 11  
October 12   
Bangor, ME  
October 18  
October  19 
As access to broadband becomes increasingly important to full  
participation in society, the need for communities to develop  plans that address the 
needs of all of their residents is  urgent. Answering the call of the National 
Broadband Plan,  IMLS has worked with more than one hundred organizations 
and  individuals with deep knowledge about public access to technology  and 
the diverse information needs of communities to develop a "_proposed  
framework for digitally inclusive communities_ 
(http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=1&d=196&mid=333778&m=510) ." 
Libraries and other community-based organizations play  especially 
important roles in meeting the needs of hard to reach  residents and ensuring 
opportunity for all. Libraries are  recognized community anchors with the capacity 
to convene public  officials, businesses, schools, hospitals, public safety 
and  cultural institutions so that they can work together to fully and  
effectively realize the value of a digitally inclusive  community. 
"We are looking forward to hearing directly from community  members and 
local officials about the challenges they face in  creating digitally inclusive 
communities" said Susan Hildreth,  IMLS Director. "Every voice helps to 
strengthen this work  which we hope will result in a resource that is truly 
effective  and useful." 
The three cities were selected to assure participation by  diverse 
audiences from a mix of rural and urban environments. 
The forums will be instrumental in accomplishing three  important goals:  
    1.  Finalizing the framework with meaningful  feedback from the general 
public and relevant stakeholders. 
    2.  Building support for digital inclusion  and fostering relationships 
with communities and  partners who can facilitate future piloting of the  
digital inclusion framework. 
    3.  Developing implementation and communication  plans with meaningful 
feedback from community  leaders.
IMLS is working with the University of Washington Information  School and 
the International City/County Management Association to  finalize the 
framework incorporating insights gathered from the  forums. The framework will 
serve as the foundation for  development of tools and resources to help 
communities across the  United States in realizing the benefits of digital 
For more news and information about IMLS’s digital inclusion  and broadband 
initiatives, please visit _http://www.imls.gov/about/broadband.aspx_ 
(http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=2&d=196&mid=333778&m=510) .  
IMLS Press Contacts
Natasha  Marstiller, _nmarstiller at imls.gov_ (mailto:nmarstiller at imls.gov) 
Mamie  Bittner, _mbittner at imls.gov_ (mailto:mbittner at imls.gov)  
CA Press Contact
Peter  Persic, _ppersic at lapl.org_ (mailto:ppersic at lapl.org)  
OK Press Contact
William R.  Young, _byoung at oltn.odl.state.ok.us_ 
(mailto:byoung at oltn.odl.state.ok.us) ME  Press Contact
Linda Lord, _linda.lord at maine.gov_ (mailto:linda.lord at maine.gov)   
About the Institute of Museum and Library Services  
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the  primary source of 
federal support for the nation's 123,000  libraries and 17,500 museums. The 
Institute's mission is to create  strong libraries and museums that connect 
people to information  and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and 
in  coordination with state and local organizations to sustain  heritage, 
culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation;  and support 
professional development. To learn more about the  Institute, please visit 
(http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=3&d=196&mid=333778&m=510) .  You are subscribed as: AAMG-L at yahoogroups.com. To  unsubscribe 
this email address, please click _here_ 
(http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=196&m=510&e=AAMG-L@yahoogroups.com) .
To  forward this to a friend, please click _here_ 
(http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/forward.aspx?d=196&m=510&e=AAMG-L@yahoogroups.com) .  
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