[NHCOLL-L:5843] Northeast Natural History Conference

Jay R. Cordeiro Jay.Cordeiro at umb.edu
Mon Feb 13 16:27:02 EST 2012



A special session on "The History of Natural History" is being held at
the Northeast Natural History Conference
(http://www.eaglehill.us/NENHC_2012/NENHC2012) at the OnCenter
Convention Center in Syracuse, New York, from April 15-19, 2012.
Conference organizers are now soliciting abstracts for oral
presentations at the session.  Oral presentations are generally 15
minutes long including time for questions.  If you have a particularly
detailed presentation, we can arrange for a 30 minute session.


The Northeast Natural History Conference is the largest regional forum
in northeastern North America for the presentation of current and
historical information on the many aspects of applied field biology
(freshwater, marine, and terrestrial) as well as natural history for the
Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada.  The conference is
organized annually by the Humboldt Field Research Institute
(http://www.eaglehill.us/) in Steuben, Maine; who also publish the
journals Northeastern Naturalist and Southeastern Naturalist.
Conference participants include researchers, natural resource staff,
museum curatorial staff, university faculty and staff, amateur and
professional naturalists, hobbyists, and students.  The conference
offers three days of concurrent sessions, an afternoon poster session,
optional specialized workshops, optional field trips (last year's
conference field trips went behind-the-scenes at the New York State
Museum, to the Albany Pine Bush Preserve, and to collect and identify
bryophytes and lichens at Dyken Pond Preserve in New York), and various
special events (last year's conference included an exhibition of natural
history illustrators, a live exhibition of reptiles and amphibians, and
a network reception with a live music performance). 


Those interested in participating in the session (note submission
deadline is only two days away) should contact Jay Cordeiro
(jay.cordeiro at umb.edu ). Information on registration, lodging, abstract
submission, program schedule, and sponsorship are available at the
conference web site (http://www.eaglehill.us/NENHC_2012/NENHC2012).



Thanks in advance.


Jay Cordeiro

UMass Boston

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