[NHCOLL-L:5861] Fwd: Heritage Preservation Update Winter 2012

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Sun Feb 26 15:52:25 EST 2012

Catharine  Hawks
Conservator, NMNH
(h) 703.876.9176
(o) 202.633.0835
mobile  703.200.4370
mobile 202.701.8458

 From: info at heritagepreservation.org
To: chawks at gwu.edu
Sent: 2/23/2012  10:36:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Heritage Preservation Update  Winter 2012

In this Update:   Award News,  C2C Online Community Live Chat Schedule, 
Save America's  Treasures blog, Program Updates, and more!
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Scroll Down  For:
    *   Julie Page receives Award  
    *   Federal Update  
    *   Bay & Paul Matching Grant  
    *   C2C Online Community  
    *   New Save America's Treasures blog  
    *   Heritage Preservation Staff on the Road  
    *   Preparing for MayDay  
    *   Alliance for Response  
    *   News from CAP  
    *   Welcome New Members!  
    *   Grant Roundup  

Federal  Update
President Obama has  requested increases for the National Endowment  for 
the Humanities (NEH) and the National  Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and level 
funding  for the Institute of Museum and Library Services  (IMLS), in his 
budget for Fiscal Year  2013. At IMLS, a restructuring of programs  
consistent with the agency’s new strategic plan  will affect the way the agency 
supports  conservation. IMLS has provided _information_ 
&e=9ce0dc217c)  on  its restructuring.

Set  aside May 1, 2012, to join your colleagues in  preparing for 
disasters. MayDay is designed to  inspire cultural institutions to take one simple  
step each year to protect the art, artifacts,  records, and historic sites 
held in their trust.  Our _website_ 
contains  more information about MayDay and great ideas  for a May 1  
2012 Award for  Distinction in Scholarship and  Conservation
Francesca Bewer,  research curator at the Straus Center for  Conservation 
and Technical Studies at the  Harvard Art Museums, has been awarded the 2012  
College Art Association/Heritage Preservation  Award for Distinction in 
Scholarship and  Conservation. The  Jury that selected Dr. Bewer for this honor 
 particularly acknowledged her recent book  on the history of conservation, 
A Laboratory  for Art: Harvard’s Fogg Museum and the Emergence  of 
Conservation in America,  1900-1950. Click _here_ 
217c)  to  learn more about Dr. Bewer and the award.

The  award is presented annually to recognize an  outstanding contribution 
by a person who has  enhanced understanding of art through the  application 
of knowledge and experience in  conservation, art history, and art. 
Nominations  are being sought for the 2013 award; the  deadline is August 31. Photo 
by Stu  Rosner.

C2C  Continuing Conversation  Exchanges
Recipients of the IMLS'  Connecting to Collections Statewide Planning and  
Implementation grants are sharing the results of  their projects and 
learning from one another.  The Texas State Library and Archives Commission  has 
contracted with Heritage Preservation to  develop programs for the “Connecting 
to  Collections Continuing Conversation Exchanges.”  At the 2011 American 
Association for State and  Local History (AASLH) annual meeting in  Richmond, 
Virginia, 97 attendees from 45 states  gathered to hear presentations about 
more than  20 state projects. Recordings of the  presentations are 
available _here_ (http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-ma
nage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=7665b0173f&e=9ce0dc217c) .

Two  programs in 2012 will help states maintain the  momentum of their 
projects. An _Online  Exchange_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=3bec95c81e&e=9ce0dc217c)  of 
three webinars on April 24, 25,  and 26 will discuss fundraising for  
preservation, conducting evaluations, and  effective and innovative partnerships. 
Planning  is underway for a second _Exchange_ 
c217c)  to  take place at the AASLH annual meeting October  3-6, 2012 in 
Salt Lake  City.

Spring  Live Chat Schedule Announced!
>From  "Making the Most of the Storage You Have" to a  chance to chat live 
with a Senior Program  Officer at NEH about your Preservation  Assistance 
Grant application, our Spring roster  of Live Chats is packed with engaging 
events.  Click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=e5317c248f&e=9ce0dc217c)  for  the full 

The  Connecting to Collections Online Community  gained its 1,000th member 
last  week!

Brent Farley is the  director of the Orem Heritage Museum in Orem,  Utah. 
His favorite object in the museum is  a 1920’s Victrola Credenza record 
player that  still works. Before he retired, he was a  teacher, administration, 
and curriculum writer  in religious education for 36 years. He and his  wife 
sang together in the Mormon Tabernacle  Choir. He is currently enrolled in 
two  university level museum classes working toward a  state museum 

Have you  joined yet?  This free resource has been  built for you - our 
goal is to help smaller  museums, libraries, archives, and historical  
societies get answers to collections care  questions and quickly locate reliable  
preservation resources. Click _here_ 
to  learn more, and to  register. 
Julie Page Receives  Award
Heritage Preservation congratulates  its Board Member, Julie Page, on 
receiving the 2012  Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award.  Julie is 
co-coordinator of the California Preservation  Program (CPP) and the Western  
States & Territories Preservation  Assistance Service (WESTPAS). This award 
is given  annually by the Association for Library  Collections & Technical 
Services (ALCTS)  Preservation and Reformatting  Section. Click _here_ 
c4b972&id=a75968fe4e&e=9ce0dc217c)  for  the press release.
Help Heritage Preservation Meet a  Challenge 
The Bay and  Paul Foundations have awarded a major challenge grant  to 
strengthen Heritage Preservation’s financial  base.  We need your help match 
this grant and  build for Heritage Preservation’s long-term  future.  To 
contribute and become a Preservation  Partner, click _here_ 
7d3&e=9ce0dc217c) ,  or call 202-233-0817 for additional information.
Alliance for  Response 
A National Program on  Cultural Heritage and Disaster  Management
Heritage Preservation is  pleased to announce that three new _Alliance  for 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=94f93de6ee&e=9ce0dc217c)  (AFR) forums will be 
held over  the next two years, thanks to generous support by the  National 
Endowment for the Humanities. Forums are  proposed for Miami, Minneapolis–St. 
Paul, and Chicago.  If you’re in one of these cities and would like to get  
involved, click _here_ (mailto:lfoley at heritagepreservation.org) .

Current  Networks
AFR networks have been busy  carrying out the program’s mission by 
strengthening  partnerships and engaging their communities. The  newest additions to 
the AFR family are preparing  follow-up activities in the coming months. 
Other  networks are engaging their local emergency managers  with 
presentations and tours. Click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=c0c6967009&e=9ce0dc217c)   to 
learn more about AFR  activities. 

In other  news...
An _article_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=7ad657aaee&e=9ce0dc217c)   highlighting AFR 
appeared in the EM Advocate  this past January. This monthly newsletter is 
produced  and distributed by the National Emergency Management  Association.    
 National Disaster Recovery  Framework 
FEMA is hosting  stakeholder events throughout the country to garner  
feedback on the National Disaster Recovery Framework.  Make sure cultural 
institutions are represented by  attending an event in your region. Information on 
each  stakeholder event can be found _here_ 
dc217c) .  
CAP  News      
2012 Conservation  Assessment Program Application  Update
Heritage Preservation received 154  applications for the 2012 Conservation 
Assessment  Program (CAP). Applications were received from 43  states, the 
territory of Guam, and the Republic of  Palau. The list of 2012 CAP 
recipients will be  announced later this spring.

Check _CAP's  Web site_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=7cd87f663c&e=9ce0dc217c)  this 
summer for more information  about the 2013 CAP program, including how to apply 
Heritage Preservation on the Road in Spring  2012
    *   Attention Texas museums! CAP staff will be  attending the Texas 
Association of Museums annual  meeting in San Antonio, March 27 –  30. Heritage 
Preservation will have a booth  in the exhibition hall, where information 
will be  provided about CAP, the Heritage Emergency National  Task Force, and 
other Heritage Preservation  programs. 
    *   On April 30, CAP staff will  participate in an informational 
session about the  MAP, CAP, and StEPs national museum assessment  programs at the 
American Association of Museums'  annual meeting in Minneapolis, MN.  Stop 
by this informal, conversational session in  order to learn more about these 
programs from the  staff that administers them.  
    *   Heritage Preservation Vice Presidents Kristen  Laise and Lori Foley 
will be on the program at the  Albuquerque annual meeting of the  American 
Institute for Conservation of Historic  & Artistic Works.  Kristen will 
present on  Rescue Public Murals the morning of May  10 at the Public Art 
Outreach  Session.  Lori will moderate a workshop on  funding for disaster 
recovery on May  8 and a session on Disaster Outreach the  afternoon of May 10.  
For more information on  the AIC meeting, click _here_ 
18&e=9ce0dc217c) .  
Rescue Public Murals News
Rescue Public Murals is  working with the West 46th Street Block 
Association  and other concerned neighbors to raise funds to  restore Arnold Belkin’s 
1972 mural Against  Domestic Colonialism. It is the only surviving  mural in 
the United States by this Mexican master and  is New York City’s oldest 
extant community mural.  Since being painted forty years ago, it has suffered  
flaking and fading paint. The wall it is painted on  has water damage and 
drainage issues.

Pending  funding, the restoration of Against Domestic  Colonialism will 
begin in summer 2012—the  40th anniversary of the mural and the 20th 
anniversary  of the death of Belkin. Please contact _Kristen  Laise_ 
(mailto:klaise at heritagepreservation.org)  to learn how to contribute to this  project.  Read 
more _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=1a35b0c6f5&e=9ce0dc217c) .  Photo:  Against 
Domestic Colonialism (detail), Arnold Belkin,  New York City, 1972. Photo by 
Jane Weissman. © Estate  of Arnold Belkin and CITYarts Inc.
New "Tour America's Treasures" Blog
There's  a new blog highlighting the impact of the Save  America's 
Treasures program.  Lee Price, Director  of Development at the Conservation Center 
for Art and  Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) provides a site-by-site  exploration 
of the 1,230 projects funded by this  program.
"Save America's Treasures" was a federal  grant program that ran from 1999 
to 2010, providing  funds for the preservation and conservation of  
nationally significant structures and  collections. Click _here_ 
f5a5d4&e=9ce0dc217c)  to  take a look.   
New Book on an SOS! Project
Anyone interested in conservation,  sculpture, Hawaii, community 
engagement, or public art  will want to read Glenn Wharton’s _The  Painted King_ 
c4b972&id=c08a8acb82&e=9ce0dc217c) , just  published by the University of 
Hawai’i Press. The  project he writes about was funded by Heritage  
Preservation’s _Save  Outdoor Sculpture (SOS!)_ 
c)  program. 
Welcome New Heritage  Preservation Members!
    *   _Culture  and Heritage Museums_ 
217c) , York County, SC  
    *   _Fine  Arts Conservation, LLC_ 
17c) , Los Angeles, CA  
Click _here_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=5a8aa1f423&e=9ce0dc217c)  to  view our full 
list of members.  To join Heritage  Preservation, click _here_ 
d=fa8cb75fa8&e=9ce0dc217c) .
Grant  Roundup

_IMLS  Native American Library  Services_ 
Deadline:  March 1,  2012
_NEH  Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital  Humanities_ 
Deadline:  March 6,  2012
_NPS/NAGPRA  Consultation/Documentation  grants_ 
Deadline:  March 6,  2012
_IMLS  21st Century Museum  Professionals_ 
Deadline:  March  15, 2012
_NEH  Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller  Institutions_ 
Deadline:  May 1,  2012
_AAM  Museum Assessment  Program_ 
Deadline:  July 1,  2012

Find us on _Facebook_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=120f90dea0&e=9ce0dc217c) !

Heritage  Preservation_ 
1012 14th St., NW,  Suite 1200
Washington, DC  20005

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