[NHCOLL-L:5786] A collective experiment in field notes annotating

Robert Guralnick Robert.Guralnick at colorado.edu
Thu Jan 12 18:58:35 EST 2012

  Hi list members --- Over the last few months, I have been collaborating
to make a series of scanned field notes and transcriptions more widely
available online.  As it turns out, the scans and typed transcriptions had
been separated from each other, and with some small effort we have used
WikiSource (
to reunite them, all the while making them available for public viewing and
    We've been blogging about this at So You Think You Can Digitize (
http://soyouthinkyoucandigitize.wordpress.com/), and are up to a fourth
installment.  In this installment, we have basically come to a crossroads:
 We have set it up so that anyone can relatively easily annotate dates,
locations and taxa, and we have some neat approaches about how those
annotations can be used further -- but we need people to start annotating!
 The reason for writing is both get your thoughts on this whole business,
and well, ask for help.   We are putting together a special issue for
Zookeys on digitization that is due in a couple months, and we'd love to
see if you think annotation is easy, enjoyable, worth doing, etc.  All help
will be acknowledged in the paper we are putting together and we also are
offering prizes for those who provide the most annotation help (
http://www.cafepress.com/cp/customize/product.aspx?number=611355935).  More
details on the blog.
   So feedback here, on the blog, on Wikisource, etc.  All appreciated.
 THANKS.  Please feel free to forward this to any groups of people that
might be interested in helping create annotations.

Best regards, Rob Guralnick
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