[NHCOLL-L:5791] Collection Care Network approved by AIC Board

Rachael Perkins Arenstein rachael at amartconservation.com
Mon Jan 23 10:48:47 EST 2012

The founding members of the Collections Care Network (CCN) are excited to
announce the network has been approved by the AIC Board of Directors. Now we
are beginning the work to create a voice for collections care, preventive
conservation, and all of its practitioners. On January 31, founding
committee members will meet to begin planning how we to best encourage and
implement the ideas voiced in the Charge prepared for the CCN by the AIC
Board of Directors and included in full below. We want to add your ideas and
concerns to that discussion. Please post comments on the AIC Blog post at
rge/ or contact Rebecca Fifield at  <mailto:Rebecca.fifield at metmuseum.org>
Rebecca.fifield at metmuseum.org , no later than January 30 with any comments,
ideas or issues you would like the committee members to consider at the Jan
31 meeting or in the coming months.



AIC Collection Care Network Charge



The AIC Collection Care Network (CCN) was created in recognition of "the
critical importance of preventive conservation as the most effective means
of promoting the long-term preservation of cultural property" (Guidelines
for Practice of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic &
Artistic Works, #20) and to support the growing number of conservators and
collections care professionals with strong preventive responsibilities and
interests.  Its purpose is to:


.         Create awareness of preventive care

.         Identify and develop standards and best practices, training, and
other projects to advance preventive care in institutions of all types and
sizes, locally, nationally, and globally

.         Provide resources to support collection care and conservation

.         Work with related groups to reach and support key collections care


The Collection Care Network is a Division of the American Institute for
Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) and is therefore bound by
the Bylaws of the AIC and policies set by the AIC Board of Directors.  Any
revisions to the CCN Charge require written approval by the AIC Board of



The initial officers of the CCN are chosen by the organizing committee, in
staggered terms, and presented to the AIC Board of Directors for approval.
Thereafter, candidates for open positions are prepared by the CCN officers
for approval by the AIC Board of Directors. All officers must be current
members of AIC.  Officers include a chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer,
communications and outreach officer, editor, and chair emeritus.  Terms of
office are three years with an option to serve a second term if other
officers approve.   The Board liaison to the CCN is the Board Director for
Committees & Task Forces; the staff liaison is the Membership Director.


Standing Charge

.         Create a network of collections and conservation professionals
committed to the preventive care of collections. The network will support
current AIC members and work to encourage non-member collections care
professionals to become AIC members.

.         Advance the understanding that preventive care preserves our
cultural heritage in a way that post-damage, interventive treatment cannot

.         Advocate for professional recognition of all collections care
professionals and support the development of the role they play in
institutional preservation planning.

.         Encourage collections and conservation professionals to exchange
preservation information, ideas, and research.

.         Provide preventive care programs and resources that will be of
interest to the broad spectrum of constituents the CCN intends to serve.

.         Network with related collections and conservation organizations to
better support shared goals.



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