[NHCOLL-L:5924] posting for nhcoll

Arianna Bernucci a.bernucci at nhm.ac.uk
Thu Mar 22 09:35:49 EDT 2012

To Whom It May Concern:


Can you please post this on behalf of the ICOM-CC Natural History
Collections Working Group?


ICOM-CC Natural History Collections Working Group


The Natural History Collections Working Group (NHWG) invites submissions
for its latest annual newsletter (Issue No. 17).  


Contributions should explore issues relating to the conservation of
Natural History collections.  This may include, but is not limited to
topics from zoology, botany, entomology, mineralogy and/or
palaeontology.  Solutions for a range of issues with materials in
natural history conservation are encouraged, including verdigris, wet
collections, pesticides, repatriation, storage and packaging, security,
and preventive conservation.


Papers highlighting ethical issues and collaborative research are also


Please email abstracts of no more than 200 words by Tuesday May 15th,
2012, to nhwg.newsletter.17 at gmail.com


Please ensure the names, addresses and emails of all authors are
included, and indicate whom the main contact and speaker(s) will be. 



Arianna Bernucci, M.A., M.Sc.


Natural History Museum

Conservation Unit

Cromwell Road

London SW7 5BD

+44 (0)20 7942 5116


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