[NHCOLL-L:6007] Ornithology Storage Methods

Karen Morton Kmorton at natureandscience.org
Thu May 3 17:31:59 EDT 2012

Dear List Members,

The Museum of Nature and Science has the rare opportunity to move our entire ornithology collection to a new storage facility and we are curious to know how other museums are storing their ornithological specimens.  Within our ornithology collection we hold study skins, taxidermy mounts, and a small number of osteological specimens.  The skins have been stored taxonomically, the osteology collection is so small it has been mixed in with all of the osteology specimens from the other collections, and our taxidermy was stored wherever we could find room for the mounts.

Since we do not have an ornithologist on staff we want to know:

*         Is taxonomical order is still the way to go or is there a more modern method of organization that has proven to be useful to visiting researchers and curatorial staff?

*         Do you store the different types of specimens separately or do you keep them together taxonomically?

We look forward to hearing any comments on the matter.


Karen Morton
Collections Manager | Museum of Nature & Science
p 972.201.0595 | kmorton at natureandscience.org

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