[Nhcoll-l] Searching for grad students to fill FSU herbarium curator position

Austin Mast amast at bio.fsu.edu
Fri Nov 9 10:17:08 EST 2012

I would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this announcement on to individuals who might be interested in this opportunity.

I am keen to find students who are interested in gaining experience as a curator of a biodiversity research collection (Florida State University's Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium; http://www.herbarium.bio.fsu.edu/) while working with me towards a graduate degree in plant diversity research (e.g., systematics, ecology, evolution, biogeography, or biodiversity informatics).  Staff members of the herbarium have played leadership roles in digitization of biodiversity specimens locally (e.g., with the Deep South Plant Specimen Imaging Project and a collaboration that led to digitization of Tall Timbers Research Station's biodiversity collections) and nationally (e.g., with Morphbank and iDigBio).  The herbarium curator is currently treated as a graduate research assistantship, and students have traditionally held the position for 1–3 years (see http://www.bio.fsu.edu/fin_sup_index.php for a description of financial support for our graduate students).  Individuals filling the curator position would not be expected to fill the position during their entire time as graduate students, but would be encouraged to gain teaching and lab/field research experience as well.  FSU has a strong ecology and evolution program (http://www.bio.fsu.edu/ and http://www.bio.fsu.edu/ee/index.html for more details), and the campus is situated in the beautiful Florida panhandle—one of the continent's biodiversity hotspots.  Applications are due on Dec. 15, 2012 (for details see http://www.bio.fsu.edu/gradadmit.php).  Interested individuals should also contact me directly (contact info in signature).


Austin Mast
Associate Professor 
Director of the Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
Member of the Steering Committee of iDigBio, The National Resource for Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections

Department of Biological Science
319 Stadium Drive
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295

Office:  King Life Science Building, room 4065
Lab:  King Life Science Building, rooms 4068 and 4084
Herbarium:  Biological Science Unit One, room 100

Voice: 1 (850) 645-1500
Fax:  1 (850) 645-8447

amast at bio.fsu.edu

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