[Nhcoll-l] Ocean Genome Legacy

Sarah K. Huber skhuber at vims.edu
Thu Nov 15 20:21:29 EST 2012

We were recently contacted by the non-profit Ocean Genome Legacy (http://www.oglf.org/) about depositing tissue samples into their "Genomic Biodiversity Archive." Has anyone worked with or been contacted by this organization regard tissue donations? If so I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the project and any first hand information you might have about this organization.


Sarah K. Huber, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Biology and Marine Science
Collection Manager, VIMS Ichthyology Collection
skhuber at vims.edu | www.vims.edu
PO Box 1346 | Rt. 1208 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062

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