[Nhcoll-l] FW: Heritage Hotline: Support Available for Sandy Victims

Hawks, Catharine HawksC at si.edu
Tue Nov 20 07:36:16 EST 2012

From: Heritage Preservation [mailto:info=heritagepreservation.org at mail5.us1.rsgsv.net] On Behalf Of Heritage Preservation
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 10:44 AM
To: Hawks, Catharine
Subject: Heritage Hotline: Support Available for Sandy Victims

Heritage Hotline is an email update service for members of Heritage Preservation.

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Heritage Preservation and
Hurricane Sandy Recovery

Heritage Preservation has been busy coordinating efforts to assist those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The C2C Online Community is hosting a webinar on collections recovery, the Conservation Assessment Program is now available for immediate damage assessments, and the Emergency Programs department is administering a grant to provide supplies to professionals working on the ground in New York City. Read more about these efforts below.

Collections Recovery Webinar on the
Connecting to Collections Online Community
In response to the ongoing recovery efforts associated with Hurricane Sandy, the Connecting to Collections Online Community will host a webinar and live chat event tomorrow, November 20, at 2:00 pm (Eastern). This webinar will bring together conservators with years of experience in the field of disaster recovery and provide the cultural community with critical information on salvaging damaged collections.

You do not need to be a registered member of the Online Community to participate in this webinar. Simply click on “Access Meeting Room<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=f3d992fe8a&e=5732b353ec>” on the right side of the home page. Learn more about this webinar here<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=3dbea5e12b&e=5732b353ec>.

CAP Now Available for Emergency Assessments
The Conservation Assessment Program (CAP) is now available to conduct immediate, emergency assessments for museums that have sustained damage to collections or historic structures due to Hurricane Sandy. Museums located in federally declared disaster areas<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=109477051d&e=5732b353ec> may apply to CAP for an assessment by a conservator and, if applicable, a historic preservation specialist. Applications will be reviewed immediately and upon acceptance into the program, museums will be able to select assessors and schedule an on-site visit. CAP assessors will evaluate damage and recommend recovery steps. Learn more about this program here<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=5cf68634e5&e=5732b353ec>.

For all CAP applicants, the postmark deadline has been extended from Monday, December 3, 2012, to Tuesday, January 15, 2013. For more information about the program and the application process visit the CAP pages here<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=011c5fab7e&e=5732b353ec> or email<mailto:cap at heritagepreservation.org?subject=CAP%20from%20Hotline> a member of the CAP staff.

Heritage Preservation Awarded Grant to
Aid Hurricane Sandy Recovery
Heritage Preservation has been awarded $15,000 by the New York Community Trust to assist Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts in coordination with Alliance for Response New York City (AFR NYC). Funding will aid hard-hit artists, museums, libraries, archives, and galleries by providing critical supplies to support the efforts of conservators and collections professionals deployed across the city.

Heritage Preservation and AFR NYC will work with others offering assistance to coordinate the distribution of these supplies. AFR NYC will continue to link institutions that are suffering with volunteer conservators, collections professionals, and salvage contractors. The generous funding provided by the New York Community Trust will enable both Heritage Preservation and AFR NYC to supply those professionals with the tools they need to successfully move the cultural community forward. The full press release can found here<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=bbe4aab71d&e=5732b353ec>.

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Heritage Preservation<http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=014c3c10d6&e=5732b353ec>
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Thank you for your continued support. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Christa Sundell<mailto:csundell at heritagepreservation.org?subject=Membership>.


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