[Nhcoll-l] Wet collection best practices - historical fluids

Joachim Haendel joachim.haendel at zoologie.uni-halle.de
Wed Oct 24 04:58:47 EDT 2012

Hello all,

there are some other fluids used for fixation and preservation.
(some of them are fairly dangerous):
Solution of Mercury dichloride (Corrosive sublimate) sometimes used for "vermes" and cnidaria,
also as part of  "Krygers preservation fluid" and "Pennaks fixative"

"Barbers solution" which contains ethanol, glacial acetic acid and benzene (!)

"Standfuss preservation fluid":  carbon disulfide, benzene and peppermint oil

and "Bouin solution" which contains also Picric acid (explosive !) in addition to formalin and lacial acetic acid.


Joachim Haendel                                                         
Centre of Natural History Collections                                      
of the Martin-Luther-University
- Entomological Collection  -                        

Domplatz 4
D-06099 Halle (Saale)

Phone: +49 345 - 55 26 447
Fax: +49 345 - 55 27 152
Email: joachim.haendel at zns.uni-halle.de

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