[Nhcoll-l] Looking for exhibit specimens

Nancy Glover McCartney nmccartn at uark.edu
Fri Aug 30 16:15:32 EDT 2013

I need to borrow an alligator and a mountain lion skull for an exhibit on Native Americans  from October 2013-February 2014 at the Butler Center in Little Rock  (http://www.butlercenter.org) /that our museum is designing.  Unfortunately, our alligator is out on loan and we have never had a mountain lion!  Can anyone part with these specimens for a short-term loan?  Thanks. NMcC

Nancy Glover McCartney, PhD
Curator of Zoology
UA Collections Facility
University of Arkansas
2435 Hatch
Fayetteville AR 72701

Phone: 479-575-4370
Fax: 479-575-7464

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