[Nhcoll-l] NSC Alliance Releases New Resource on Importance of Fossils to Research

Julie Palakovich Carr jpalakovichcarr at aibs.org
Mon Dec 2 14:31:19 EST 2013

The Natural Science Collections Alliance has prepared a short report on how fossils are used in scientific research. “Celebrating the Knowledge and the Mystery of Fossils” shows how researchers use fossils to understand evolution of species and reconstruct Earth’s ancient climate. 

“Fossil collections are extremely important for those of us who study evolutionary biology because 99 percent of species lived in the past, by some estimates,” explains Dr. Judith E. Skog, professor emeritus at George Mason University. “If we did not understand these organisms and their environments, we would have a skewed view of evolutionary processes.” 

Download a free copy of the issue brief at http://nscalliance.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nsca_fossils.pdf . 

Access other reports in NSC Alliance’s series “On the Importance of Scientific Collections” at http://nscalliance.org/?page_id=10 . 

Julie Palakovich Carr 
Public Policy Manager 
American Institute of Biological Sciences 
1444 I Street, NW Suite 200 
Washington, DC 20005 

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