[Nhcoll-l] naphthalene and PDB

sam sam at qty.com
Wed Dec 4 18:21:00 EST 2013

Hi Rachel and all:

I think so.  If there are traces of solid crystals
lurking in cracks, and crevices after the big stuff
is removed. It might take quite a while for silica gel
to adsorb it all.  I remember meticulously vacuuming
the cabinets before placing silica gel in drawers
at one third, and two thirds down from the top.
What I was really after besides lingering PDB,
was carbon disulfide vapor, which was making
people ill.  I'm an 'ol geezer now, this all happened
a LONG time ago.  It worked for us, but please
consult a chemist to determine if treatment with
silica gel is the best way to remove residual
naphthalene and/or PDB these days.



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