[Nhcoll-l] Slater Museum - Americorps Position

Peter H Wimberger pwimberger at pugetsound.edu
Mon Jun 24 19:04:49 EDT 2013

Please forward this to potentially interested candidates.
AMERICORPS POSITION - SLATER MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY -- EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ASSISTANT. . Location: University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. Duration: Sept 1, 2012 - July 15, 2013.  Application Deadline: 31 July 2013, 5 pm PST or until position is filled.
The Slater Museum of Natural History provides a great resource for environmental/natural history education, research and inspiration in the Puget Sound region with our large collection of animals and plants. The volunteer will train local elementary school teachers in the use of natural history curricula and teach classes (Nature in the Classroom - http://www.pugetsound.edu/academics/academic-resources/slater-museum/nature-in-the-classroom/ ). In addition the Americorps member will provide tours of the museum to K-college groups and work with other environmental education programs (e.g. Tahoma Audubon, Nisqually NWR) for whom we provide specimens, workshops and expertise. The Assistant must have some knowledge of, and passion for, natural history, and will recruit volunteers, assist  local teachers and students, help develop educational materials and exhibits, maintain our social media presence and learn the fundamentals of museum stewardship.
Skills :
Natural History/Biology Knowledge, Communications,  Computers/Technology,  Education ,  Leadership, Public Speaking,  Recruitment,  Writing/Editing,  Youth Development
Program Benefits :
Childcare assistance if eligible, Education award upon successful completion of service , Health Coverage , Stipend , Training .

Terms :
Car recommended ,  Permits attendance at school during off hours ,  Permits working at another job during off hours .

Compensation is up to $1300/mo.  Applicants must FIRST apply to Amercorps by 31 July 2013, 5 pm PST. Please refer to instructions and application materials at (URL:  https://my.americorps.gov/mp/listing/viewListing.do?id=42297&fromSearch=true). Applicants making the short list will be sent a supplemental application and asked to submit a more detailed resume.
Please contact Peter Wimberger (pwimberger at pugetsound.edu<mailto:pwimberger at pugetsound.edu>) if you have further questions.

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