[Nhcoll-l] Hazardous materials

Ralph North rnorth at uwsa.edu
Tue Jun 25 14:15:39 EDT 2013


Do you use a commercial laboratory to test animal taxidermy mounts for the presence of arsenic and other hazardous materials ? 

If not, do you use a home test kit? I became aware of Weber's test. Is this an "industry standard"? 

Is there a "certified clean" certification or something similar? Is there a regimen of materials for which testing should be done? I know about As, Hg, Pb. 
Is there a year before which you assume a mount has been treated with arsenic? 
Ralph North, CHMM 
Environmental Affairs Specialist 
University of Wisconsin System 
Office of Safety and Loss Prevention 
780 Regent St. 
Madison, WI 53715-2635 
rnorth at uwsa.edu 
(608) 263-4419 

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