[Nhcoll-l] SPNHC rooms

Shelton, Sally Y. Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu
Mon May 20 10:26:41 EDT 2013

There have been some rooms released at the Best Western Ramkota in Rapid City for SPNHC meeting participants. If you are interested, please contact To get the conference room rate, please call 605-343.8550 and use the code cfrspnhc. This will not be available through online registration; you must call the hotel directly. In addition, per a previous posting, there are campus rooms now available. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns. Thanks!

Sally Y. Shelton, Associate Director
Museum of Geology and Paleontology Research Laboratory
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD   57701
Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu

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