[Nhcoll-l] Curator/Collections Manager Job Descriptions Follow-up

Sarah K. Huber skhuber at vims.edu
Mon Sep 9 15:01:40 EDT 2013

About a month ago I sent out an e-mail soliciting information about jobs/responsibilities associate with curators and collections managers. First, I would like to thank those individuals that sent me responses; they were very helpful! However, I received MANY more e-mails from people who were interested in responses to my query, than I did actual responses to my questions. Therefore, I would like to ask again for people to volunteer any information about their collections before I send out a summary e-mail to this list. Below is my original e-mail.



The collection at VIMS is currently undergoing a review, and as part of this process we are trying to formalize the jobs/responsibilities of the curator and collections manager. If anyone is willing to share examples of job descriptions from their own collections, I would greatly appreciate it.

I realize that collections are highly variable, but I would be particularly interested in the following information:

1. The rank the curator and collections manager (i.e., tenure-track faculty, research faculty, professional faculty, non-faculty, etc.), as well as the degree requirements for these positions (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.).

2. The research expectations of the curator and collections manager as well as the need for the research interests of these positions to match the collection type (i.e., can a fish collections manager do their research on birds?).

3. The role of the curator and collections manager in writing grants for collection funding.

4. The process for performance reviews of these positions.

We are a relatively small, specialized collection (~30,000 lots of fishes), and currently have a single curator who spends 10% of his time on collection activities and one collection manager who is part-time.

Many thanks!

Sarah K. Huber, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Biology and Marine Science
Collection Manager, VIMS Ichthyology Collection
804.684.7104 | Collection 804.684.7285
skhuber at vims.edu | www.vims.edu
PO Box 1346 | Rt. 1208 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062

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