[Nhcoll-l] Collection numbers and meteorites

Carrie Eaton carrie at geology.wisc.edu
Wed Sep 11 13:16:07 EDT 2013

Hello Everyone,
Our museum's meteorite collection is quite old (100 yr+) and runs the 
whole gamut in terms of number applied to specimens - everything from 
the epoxy resin hockey pucks to white (Ti white, I assume/hope) paint 
written directly with a quill pen - even some tie-on tags. I'm wondering 
what methods your institutions use for numbering some of your more 
valuable meteorites and how to best protect fusion crusts and avoid any 
interference with future chemical analyses? I'm really curious about the 
methods people are using, so I will extend my sincere thanks in advance!
Carrie Eaton

Carrie Eaton
Curator, UW Geology Museum
1215 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706
carrie at geology.wisc.edu

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